Sandy and Snowy came to Mozambique in 1999, where they lived in Machune Bay alongside the local 'pescadors' (fishermen) and their families, sharing their knowledge of sustainability and permaculture. 

Dependent entirely upon fishing, the livelihood of the pescadors was threatened by increased netting and trawling activity in the area, which greatly concerned Sandy and Snowy. The couple put their thinking caps on and, inspired by the enthusiasm of the local people, began teaching new skills such as creative knot tying - a natural adaptation for the pescadors, beading and carving . Supplying tools, raw materials, design ideas and marketing support, the enterprise took off and Machilla Magic was born.

This early endeavour has evolved and expanded and Machilla Magic artists now offer an exclusive range of unique handcrafts created from local sustainable resources, to tourists, local lodges, commercial retailers and the home décor market.

© 2011 Machilla Magic. All rights reserved.
Machilla  Magic and the Machilla Magic logo and other trademarks and logos used on this site are owned or licensed by Machilla Magic, Inc. All rights reserved.